Handwritten: In Air Talk, a digital collaboration of handwritten poems with Wendy’s Subway and No, Dear.
Poems: This These poems from Botanic América, a selection from FUTURE BOTANIC, featured in Aster(ix). (Read the whole poetry issue.)
Prose: Here’s an essay on Emily Dickinson in BOMB, and here’s Audre Lorde Taught Us: Christina Olivares on Audre Lorde’s Important Legacy in Lambda Literary, interview with Mahogany L. Browne.
Watch: Diagnosis, a videopoem created for The Poetry Project about a body/covid-19/NYC as part of the collaborative Looking for Mama’s Titty with Lydia Cortés, Alba Delia Hernández and Sheila Maldonado.
An essay on Emily Dickinson, queerness & race in BOMB (2024)
Sequence of poems from “Botanic América” in Aster(ix) Journal (2020)
Videopoems “Diagnosis” (solo) and “Looking for Mama’s Titty” (collaboration) for The Poetry Project (2020)
“Elegy” poem in Air Talk, a digital collaboration between No, Dear and Wendy’s Subway (2020)
"The Lot" & "Understanding as an Imaginative Act in the Americas," poems in The Rumpus (2019)
"Thoughts on the Erotic in Audre Lorde's Archive," essay, Mahzin Magazine (2018)
"Girl" & "Bronx Antipastoral," poems published by Apogee Journal (2018)
"Portrait," a poem published by Hayden's Ferry Review (2018), then reprinted by the Center for Book Arts as a broadside (2018) and on the Academy of American Poets website (2019)
"A Better Tomorrow," 500-word micro-essay collaboration published by Kenyon Review Online (2017)
"Bettering American Poetry 2," interview about allyship, VIDA Blog (2017)
"Teaching the Map," poem published by Five Quarterly Review (2014)
"They Talk in Spanish Over Our Heads," poem published in Mantis: A Journal of Poetry, Criticism & Translation, Volume 18, Spring 2020.
"Productive Antagonisms: Saretta Morgan Interviews Christina Olivares," interview published in Bodies Built for Game: The Prairie Schooner Anthology of Contemporary Sports Writing, University of Nebraska Press (ed. Natalie Diaz), 2019.
"You Were Always," essay on queer identity and the Pet Shop Boys song "You Were Always on My Mind / In My House," published by Lumina Journal (2018)
"DSM," poem first published as part of the Black Poets Speak Out issue of No Dear Magazine (2017) and reprinted in Bettering American Poetry Volume 2 (2018)
"Vivir," bilingual broadside poem in collaboration with visual artist Gabriel García Roman, published by Parallax Press (2017)
"At Twelve," poem published in the anthology The Dream Closet, (ed. Matthew Burgess), Secretary Press (2015)